Monday, 29 March 2010
How to enter the Facebook competition
There is a little confusion regarding the new Facebook feature of 'tagging' needed to enter our competition to win a miniature rocking horse necklace, so we've put together a guide showing how to enter!
To enter click here to become a Ji Ji Kiki fan on Facebook. Update your profile status with the following text:
I'd love to win a miniature rocking horse necklace from @Ji Ji Kiki
As you start typing the @Ji Ji Kiki, it will come up with our name and logo in a drop down box, as shown below...
All you have to do it click on our name before posting your update. This will create a blue, clickable link to our page. Your entry then shows up on our page so we know that you've entered! Clever, eh.
The screen shot below shows what a correct entry looks like (it will have the little tag at the start):
Please make sure that you don't post the entry directly on to our wall-it must be posted as a status update and show up like the picture above to be a valid entry!